Allegheny Riverfront Park (1993-2001) includes a lower site, thirty-five feet wide and almost one mile long, and an the upper level along Fort Dusquesne Boulevard. The design team included Michael Van Valkenburgh, Matthew Urbanski and Laura Solano from Michael Van Valkenburg Associates, Inc., and artists Ann Hamilton and Michael Mercil. Because all agreed that the park should embrace both its natural and urban conditions, the lower park was placed not just beside the river, but also in and over the water’s edge. Even the flow of cars and trucks along the Tenth Street Bypass remains integral to the site. And just as the park design directly addresses its urban/natural context, so Hamilton and Mercil's artwork contributes a palpably human scale and dimension to the whole. In space and through time, art and park reinforce one another as a singular system of natural/cultural encounters. The nature of the working process makes it difficult to point anywhere in particular and claim, "Here is the landscape and there is the art."

Photo credit: Annie O'Neill, Offices of Michael Van Valkenburgh, Associates, Inc.
Special thanks to The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
· Amidon, Jane. series editor. Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates: Allegheny Riverfront Park (Sourcebooks in Landscape Architecture 1) 2005. New York. Princeton Architectural Press.
· Architecture. “Progressive Architecture Awards: Allegheny Riverfront Park.” (January 1997)
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· Brignano, Mary. Curating the District: How the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is Transforming the Quality of Urban
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· Dawes, Tom, et al. “Allegheny Riverfront Park, Pittsburgh.” The Arup Journal (March 1999) pp. 22-23.
· Gutnick, Todd. "Decades-old Vision of Riverfront Park a Reality." Pittsburgh Tribune Review
(1 December 1998) pp. B1-2.
· Lowry, Patricia. "Park Utilizes Native Amenities." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (30 November 1998) pp. B1; B11.
· Miller, Donald. "Part Way to a Park." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (5 December 1998).
· "Pittsburgh Riverfront Project." PublicArt Review (Spring/Summer 1997) pp. 28-29.
· Moffatt, David. “Allegheny Riverfront Park.” Places, a Forum of Environmental Design. 2002.
Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 10-13.
· Pearson, Clifford A. "Michael Van Valkenburgh Takes People for a Walk . . . " Architectural Record
(March 2000) pp. 102-105.
· Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "The River Runs By It: Allegheny Riverfront Park Reclaims Part of Our Heritage" (editorial). (14 December 1998).
· Simon, Joan. Ann Hamilton. 2002. New York. Harry N. Abrams. pp. 182, 211, 213.
· Stacklin, Jeff. "Park Design is Rolling Like a River." Pittsburgh Tribune Review (18 October 1998)
pp. A21; A29.