four videos, each: black and white, sound, 30:00 (loop); laser discs; laser disc players; LCD projectors

The (salic) videos were first projected within a railroad car onto its 22 windows, as part of Hamilton's contributuion to the exhibition "Longing and Belonging: From the Faraway Nearby" at SITE Santa Fe in 1995. The setup for making these videos included a suspended sheet blown by a fan and catching the shadow of a minature zoetope spinning on an old record player in front of an old movie projector, implying variously, in its changing patterns of light, glimpses of the sun, the train's headlight, or the light of the moving picture projector, and, as Hamilton notes, "possibly some combintation of all three." Three of the four videos were shot with a figure unfolding an action in shadow, while the fourth video shows only the zoetrope flicker and a light.



Text excerpted from Joan Simon, Ann Hamilton: An Inventory of Objects, New York: Gregory R. Miller & Co., LLC. 2006.