Flexographic print on newsprint
Flexographic print on newsprint
NEWS is a collaboration with Bayer MaterialScience LLC and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for The Warhol Museum’s Factory Direct: Pittsburgh, a project partnering artists with Pittsburgh-based businesses. The employees of both institutions were photographed holding work-related objects behind a sheet of Dureflex®, a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) film created by Bayer MaterialScience. The shallow focus, a consequence of the visual qualities of the membrane, emphasizes the point of contact and continues an interest in tactility and its shifting presence in contemporary work and production.
The 32-page broadsheet special edition printed by the Post-Gazette was on view at the satellite location, with additional copies available for purchase from newspaper vending machines. The July 1st Sunday Extra edition was distributed to 40,000 households. The Warhol edition, a run of 250 additional papers each Tuesday and Thursday from June 26-July 19, featured 1-2 images plated in to replace 2-4 pages of content. These papers were available to visitors at the Museum’s main location, and one copy of each issue was placed on a rack at the satellite site.
Pittsburgh Post Gazette employee with clipping file envelope
Bayer MaterialScience LLC employee with Erlenmeyer flask and vacuum adaptor
July 1st Sunday Extra Edition
To see the edition information, click here.
Photo credit: Ann Hamilton Studio; Richard Stoner, Courtesy The Andy Warhol Museum